Reader assumes full resonsibility for
unconscious absorption of blatantly embedded,
self-agrandizing promotional content.
Traditionalists, buckle up !
turbulence ahead.
unconscious absorption of blatantly embedded,
self-agrandizing promotional content.
Traditionalists, buckle up !
turbulence ahead.
New Media.
New Clients.
New Consumers.
In a Post Television Age.
As much as some traditionalists might suggest that BLOGs are nothing more than a symptom of encephalogrossiosis [swollen head syndrome], blogging isn't just for the vain. Blogging is in 'full swing' and here to stay. The movement is hip ! The numbers are high. The trend in growing. And the amout of personal time people are investing into them is significant. Media giants have caught on. CNN is even 'on it'.
If you've ever watched 'The Situation Room' with Wolfe Blitzer, you know what I'm talking about. 'BLOG-Reporters' do nothing but track the instantaneous pulse of the planet. If you haven't seen the blog report, keep an eye out for it.
If you're "C" or "VP" level sales and/or marketing, take note. The BLOG is an example of a kevlar thread being woven into and augmenting traditional marketing and advertising programs. Blogs are permeating your consumer's virtual universe. And it pays to know which BLOGs your audiences are dialed in to. More on this later.
In terms of what you are reading here and now, the fact is, today's professionals are using this medium to MARKET themselves. This is especially true if selling and marketing is what you do. And why not ? How better to market and sell yourself ? A BLOG is knowledge worker's 'hip' way of hanging out a [virtual, dynamic] 'shingle'. It's indexed, searchable on the web, provides do-it-yourself dynamic editing (including updating via a cell phone), and offers an opportunity for feedback. It's a new secret weapon.
As complex and real-time as the world has become, for those in the know, sales and marketing is easier than ever ... thanks to the new secret weapons. Secret weapons ? What secret weapons ? The "contemporary information and communication technology" secret weapons.
Coke, GM, Disney - big brands - all using secret weapons. Web Sites. Search Engine Marketing. Podcasting. Interactive Branding. Web sites that 'work'. Digital brand-positioning strategies that 'drive traffic' to campaign specific web landing pages. Instant SMS cellular phone promotions and contests. Digital billboards. TV commercials to drive behavior. Loyalty marketing. Repurposed TV commercials that play inside online journals like Forbes.com, Businessweek.com, and Business2.com email bulletins or RSS feeds. Automated lead generation tactics for web seminars ... on and on and on.
In fact the biggest and most profitable brands of the world are moving millions of (additional) dollars each year to newer, more interactive forms of media to capture new markets and stay relevant in the minds of their current customers.
The nice thing about these secret weapons is you don't need to be Coke, GM or Disney to take advantage. But you will need a new outlook and a new breed of sales and marketing team. AND That's where Chapman & Associates (C&A) comes in. C&A is high performance Sales & Marketing for a post television age.
Sales and Marketing Strategies
We deliver (integrated) sales and marketing strategies geared to the elusive 18-34 year olds who last year spent more time on the internet than watching television. To be sure, this 18-34 year-old age range doesn't accurately describe the breadth of the demographic of the new world digital consumer. From a psychographic standpoint, you'll find people of all ages, from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds spending more and more of the media-consuming time online.
C&A develops and deploys sales and marketing strategies for its clients that uniquely leverage contemporary information and communication technologies. These strategies are designed to transition their brands into the virtual universe of today's knowledge worker and digital consumer. Our clients quickly realize that this digital universe opens up an entirely different set capabilities, an entirely different value proposition, through an enabling world of 'interactive branding'.
As you learn about these capabilities, these secret weapons, you'll see that not only can sales and marketing work together, today's sophisticated knowledge worker - your decision maker and consumer - are increasingly expecting sales and marketing to work together.
You'll also see that sales and marketing in today's REAL TIME world is nothing more than a game. Unlike traditional sales and marketing, today's world of sales and marketing has a scoreboard. It's real. It performs in real-time. It's uber-accountable. There's NO financial interpretation. It's easily and instantly tracked. With the new secret weapons, it's pass or fail time every minute after sales-and-marketing minute.
Today's sales and marketing best practices deliver up-to-the-minute results and are available to see anytime, anywhere - and are even being sent (real-time) to show up on the VP's or CMO's Blackberry or SmartPhone for example - whenever he or she hits the button. Don't believe it ? Need some proof ? Want to see this in action ? Want some secret weapons of your own ? Would you like your own sales and marketing scoreboard to go with it ? Want to charge up your sales force and give them some fun at the same time ? This and more in the playbook for the new generation of leaders.
Have a great day ! Stay tuned.
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